For Academic Year 2022-2023

As of August 26, 2022, subject to change as federal, state, and county public health guidance evolves

This guidance is intended to support safe, in-person learning for Tri-City Chinese School (TCCS) and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We are using California Department of Public Health’s K-12 Guidance as a basis for our guidelines.

These guidelines for TCCS have been developed and approved by the Board.


We strongly recommend that all eligible individuals get vaccinated against COVID-19 and remain up-to-date. Those who are unvaccinated or have fallen behind on receiving the COVID-19 and other vaccines place themselves and their communities at increased risk of falling ill from COVID-19 and other preventable illnesses.

Face masks

We strongly recommend that all persons, regardless of vaccine status, mask in indoor settings.

Individuals with Symptoms

If any person isn’t feeling well, they should stay home. If they exhibit symptoms concerning for COVID-19, they should wear a mask and test immediately.

Positive Cases

Positive cases should be reported to the school, by emailing Irwin Quang at

Those who test positive should follow the Table 1 of the California Department of Public Health guidance on isolation, quarantine, and testing.

  • Stay home for at least 5 days
  • Isolation can end after 5 days if you test negative (using an antigen test) on Day 5 or later, as long as you do not have a fever and your symptoms are getting better
  • If you still test positive on or after Day 5 or if you don’t test, isolate for 10 full days, and until you don’t have a fever. It is strongly recommended that you wear a well-fitting mask around others – especially when indoors – for 10 days, even if you stop isolating earlier.


The school will notify close contacts (defined below)

Parent Visitor Sign in

Parents should sign in using this form each time they visit the campus. Staff, teacher, and students do not need to sign in.

Close Contact/ Exposure Definition

Exposure or close contacts are defined as those who spend more than a cumulative total of 15 minutes (within a 24-hour time period) in a shared indoor airspace (e.g., classroom) with someone with COVID-19 during their infectious period. If they remain without symptoms, they may continue to take part in school activities. They should wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days and get tested 3-5 days after last exposure.