Instagram Post
♟️ Free elective class for TCCS parents and students! Starting today, Saturday 10/19, 10:25am – 11:20am in room 13, we will have chess class! ♟️從今天10/19開始,每週六開始新增了免費西洋棋的課程,如果有興趣的小朋友及家長可以在10:25 am 後到Room 13來參加。
♟️ Free elective class for TCCS parents and students! Starting today, Saturday 10/19, 10:25am – 11:20am in room 13, we will have chess class! ♟️從今天10/19開始,每週六開始新增了免費西洋棋的課程,如果有興趣的小朋友及家長可以在10:25 am 後到Room 13來參加。
☕️We will provide free beverages (coffee and teas) at our office room 20 tomorrow. However, please bring you own cup since we will not provide any paper cups in order to reduce wastes. 🍵明天早上九點後辦公室(Room 20) 會提供免費的咖啡,綠茶及紅茶給大家享用,但我們將不會提供紙杯,所以請記得自帶杯子到學校。
📒TCCS Yearbook committee meeting: Saturday 10/19 in Room 20, 9am! Come help TCCS design and prepare for 2024 – 2025 yearbook! We welcome parents to join! Please bring your laptop. No experience needed! For any questions email Julie [@]…
📣Tri-City Chinese School needs parent volunteers! For any interest or questions, please email TCCS [@] Come by room 20 office on Saturdays during school hours to meet other staff members and learn more about different positions and departments available to…
📸 TCCS picture day is Saturday 10/12! Please do not wear green clothing. Parents can check email for link to register to view students’ photos. 📸 傳薪中文學校攝影日是星期六10/12!請不要穿綠色顏色的衣服。家長們可以看電子郵件報名去收到學生的照片
✏️TriCity Chinese School Homework Help offered Saturdays after school 10:30am – 11:20am in room 20. Interested students and parents can sign up on the day of. Parents or guardian must be present during the session to be admitted. For any…
9/21/24: Thank you parents for attending today’s Parent Meeting. Thank you staff for preparing a delicious breakfast! Principal shared school policies and encouraged parents to volunteer and participate for this year. If parents are interested in joining to volunteer, please…
Last weekend 4/20 we celebrated Tri-City Chinese School 30th Anniverary and appreciated current and past teachers and staff. We are grateful that our school founder Wu Hwei Min attended the event! 上個週末4/20我們慶祝傳薪中文學校30週年和謝師宴。很高興請到舊時的老師與校長回來同歡慶祝。我們很感謝學校的創辦人吳慧敏來參加!
Exciting news! This year marks TCCS 30th anniversary. On Apr 20, we will be celebrating TCCS 30th anniversary along with appreciating current and past teachers and staff. 慶祝傳薪中文學校30週年謝師宴。我們將邀請舊時的老師與校長回來同歡慶祝。 Saturday 4/20/24Noon – 3:00 pm World Gourmet Buffet (6010 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont,…