歷經華人社區及學生家長們的共同努力,Tri-City Chinese School(TCCS) 中文學校創始於1994年。本校是一個依據501(c)(3)法成立的非營利組織,其行政人事均由學生家長們自願義務擔當。我們藉著鼓勵性的薪酬方式,積極地招募和聘請最好且有經驗的專業老師;其中不少的老師過去都曾獲頒“優秀語文教師”獎。

Through the joint efforts of the Chinese community and parents of students, Tri-City Chinese School (TCCS) was founded in 1994. Our school is a non-profit organization under the 501 (c) (3) Law. Its administrative positions are voluntarily undertaken by parents of students. We actively recruit and employ the best and most experienced professional teachers through encouraging remuneration. Many teachers have been awarded the “Excellent Chinese Teacher” award in the past.


In addition to providing a good and friendly environment for Chinese learning, we also believe in and value the heritage of Chinese culture.  The school calendar includes an annual school wide academic competition and Lunar New Year celebrations.


We continue to discuss and seek more suitable methods for overseas Chinese education, and class levels go from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. We teach in traditional Chinese characters and use phonetic notation Zhuyin in the lower grades. Pinyin learning is introduced into the curriculum in the fourth grade to prepare students who want to continue learning Chinese after the eighth grade and for future SAT testing.


In addition to the main traditional Chinese stream, we are also very excited about the Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) classes launched in 2013. This CFL stream has attracted students who have no Chinese background and families who may speak different Chinese dialects at home. The teachers in these classes adopt the teaching method of combining Chinese and English to achieve the best effect.


In addition to our Chinese classes, the school also offers different extra-curricular activities, such as Abacus, Chess (Western), Go, Art, Drawing, Basketball and Computer Coding.


Finally, and very importantly, all of our graduating eighth graders have the opportunity to demonstrate the virtue of giving back by acting as teaching assistants (TA) in our Chinese classes.  At the end of each service year, depending on their age and number of hours served, they may be eligible to receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award as a recognition and appreciation of their contributions and efforts.  At the same time, their TA hours can be credited towards the volunteer hours required for graduation in many public high schools.

Address 地址

Ardenwood Elementary
33955 Emilia Ln.
Fremont, CA 94555-2068

Class Time 上課時間

Saturday 週六

  • 08:30am – 10:25am 中文班(必修課)
  • 10:30am – 11:30am 才藝班(選修)
    • 課程包括美術班,繪畫班,西洋棋班,圍棋班,籃球班和電腦班等!


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