Category announcement

Book Pickup Reminder

Dear TCCS families, Welcome back to the 2021 TCCS School Year! The first day of school is Saturday, August 21 at 8:30AMOur book pick-up time is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, 2021, 9-10AM. We also need some volunteers to help with…

Greetings From the TCCS Principal

A couple of reminders to our TCCS family.1. All parents to have all students to check if they can access their Tri-City Chinese School account ( Many classes will use Google classroom for class announcements and homework assignments. The teachers…

2021-2022 綠色生活美學 廣宣

傳薪中文學校隆重推出親子課程 綠色生活美學 Green Life Art 課程將由Santa Clara Green Gardener認證的Corriana 李秀燕老師來帶領,讓小朋友透過感官視覺去體驗季節的變化,通過多元手動綠色主題課程(療癒花園、 室內水培、 微型育苗及植物美學 等),共同創造屬於孩子們童年的幸福回憶,歡迎親子共同參與, 一起培養小朋友的綠手指。 來看看Corriana老師帶領她可愛的女兒構建的小花園:  報名請到傳薪網站

2021-2022 畫畫課廣宣

Tricity Chinese School 傳薪中文學校繪畫課Drawing Class開課囉! 今年一樣是由Vivian 老師來教大家畫出最有自己風格的作品,內容豐富,有繪畫,勞作,主題季節變化,適合各個年齡層, 來Vivian老師的影片看看小朋友的作品喔 報名請到傳薪網站

Book Pick-up

Dear TCCS families, Welcome back to the 2021 TCCS School Year! The first day of school is Saturday, August 21 at 8:30AMOur book pick-up time is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, 2021, 9-10AM. We also need some volunteers to help with…

Celebrating the 109th National Day of Taiwan Drawing Competition 慶祝中華民國109年雙十國慶繪畫比賽

謝謝大家踴躍投票拉票 Thank you all for supporting and voting for the drawing competition 恭喜傳薪中文學校學生 紀幃馨 贏得北加州中文學校聯合會與金山灣區中華民國國慶委員會聯合舉辦西元2020年國慶繪畫比賽幼童組最佳人氣獎 Congratulations to Tricity Chinese School student Amber Chi won Best Popularity Award from ANCCS and OCAC drawing contest to celebrate Double tenth day