Kaitlyn Chan

Kaitlyn Chan

Tri-City Chinese School 30th Anniverary!

Last weekend 4/20 we celebrated Tri-City Chinese School 30th Anniverary and appreciated current and past teachers and staff. We are grateful that our school founder Wu Hwei Min attended the event! 上個週末4/20我們慶祝傳薪中文學校30週年和謝師宴。很高興請到舊時的老師與校長回來同歡慶祝。我們很感謝學校的創辦人吳慧敏來參加!

Anniversary Lunch🎊

Exciting news! This year marks TCCS 30th anniversary. On Apr 20, we will be celebrating TCCS 30th anniversary along with appreciating current and past teachers and staff. 慶祝傳薪中文學校30週年謝師宴。我們將邀請舊時的老師與校長回來同歡慶祝。 Saturday 4/20/24Noon – 3:00 pm World Gourmet Buffet (6010 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont,…

Register for the 2024-2025 School Year 🏫

Registration is now open to all for TCCS school year 2024-2025. Please refer to school website’s registration page for registration information:  tricitychineseschool.org/registration Click ‘Register for class 註冊課程’ to start enrollment. 傳薪中文學校2024-2025學年度開放註冊. 註冊通知請詳見學校網頁: tricitychineseschool.org/registration 點擊 ‘Register for class 註冊課程’ 開始註冊