Exciting news! This year marks TCCS 30th anniversary. On Apr 20, we will be celebrating TCCS 30th anniversary along with appreciating current and past teachers and staff. 慶祝傳薪中文學校30週年謝師宴。我們將邀請舊時的老師與校長回來同歡慶祝。
Saturday 4/20/24
Noon – 3:00 pm
World Gourmet Buffet (6010 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538)
🎉 You all are invited to participate. All TCCS Teachers, Staff and TAs will get free lunch on Apr 20. Parents and students are welcome to participate. Lunch tickets will be sold on Sat, Apr 13 and Apr 20 in the office Room 27.歡迎家長和學生們參加。星期六4/13和4/20可以到TCCS辦公室買餐票。
Lunch Ticket prices :
9 years and older: $25
3-9 years old: $15
Please note, the price included tax and tips. Drinks are not included. 10% discount is already included.
Come celebrate TCCS teachers and staff! Hope to see you there! 來慶祝我們老師們和學校職員!到時候見!